Fr. Austin Norris Calling....

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Bernadette Norris

Our sister Bernadette Norris, was one amongst us six brothers. She was third in the family after Xavier and  Roy and was followed by Austin, Kenneth, Reynold and Bonnie. Berna was single, she worked for most of her life at ACASH, a social service organisation and was 52 years old when she passed away on 21st September 2006.
Berna was a cancer patient for eight years and fought valiantly. God has been kind to Berna, in that she did not suffer much and passed away peacefully though quickly..!!
Berna is now resting in the Heavenly Father's embrace and in the fellowship of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints and Angels..... and yes.. she is with our dear Dad, who passed away on 27 October 1990.



Reynold is not in this picture

Berna's last holiday in Goa
18th to 21st.August 2006

Berna with my mum
Mum's 84th Birthday-10th June 2005


For Berna

By Fr. Austin Norris

1st. Sept. at 3.20pm

At Shanti Avedna Sadan, Bandra




I sit by her bed,

Holding my breath,

Pausing and thinking,

Is she alive or dead..?


Strange thoughts

Scary notions,

Swing in and out, in

Deathly slow motion.


‘Tis eerie and

Pointedly surreal

The world of the living

Passeth into that of the dead.


Tiptoeing nurses

Warm, caring hearts

A moment of peace

A touch of class.


Hovering between

‘it was’ and ‘could be’

For whom the bells toll

Perhaps for you or for me.





“ HEAL ME..! “

For Berna

By  Fr. Austin Norris

26th September 2006 at 3.45pm

In my room at Palm View, Goregaon



“Heal me” she cried

As her life ebbed away

The fighter that she was

Berna had her final say


She had fought all along

Her work gamely carrying on

Till the very end she hoped,

“God has done it ..He’ll do it again”


Why did she have to go away.?

Why so soon, anyway.?

Perhaps, not to be a burden,

To her siblings-  half a dozen.


She wanted to be there

For others and for her dreams

To come to fruition in reality

Her hopes had a true quality.


She died as she lived

Simple to the core

                              Resting now in God’s embrace        

Berna’s reached heavn’s door.



BERNADETTE NORRIS, 16.01.54 – 21.09.06


An untimely death, like that of our dear Sister Bernadette, who succumbed to the disease of cancer, will surely lead us all to ask a lot of questions about the mystery of death. Why does someone die so young? Why has it come to me? Why doesn’t God hear my prayer? These  are questions that Bernadette asked … and these are questions we all ask.


And along with these questions about death, also arise simultaneously, like the other side of the coin, various questions about life… what is the purpose of life? Why did God make me, if I was destined to die young? Have I done something wrong because of which God’s plan for me has been messed up?


While these questions about death and life are complex, there seems to be only One who can give us the right answers … and that is Jesus. And the quintessential summary of his teachings about life and death are contained in the Beatitudes which we have just had the privilege to listen to.  So, the occasion of the death of a brother or sister, like that of Bernadette, gives us all an opportunity to reprofess our faith in Jesus who alone has the answers to our questions of life and death. During this Eucharist, as we thank God for the gift of Bernadette to us, we shall try to see in her life the attempt of one human being who hoped to discover in the Beatitudes of Jesus the key to joy and peace in life. It is difficult for any of us to put all the Beatitudes into practice all at once; as I stand here I wish to recognize in Bernadette a testimony to the truth of at least three of them.


  1. Blessed are the meek (humble), for they will receive what God has promised


Jesus invites us to an attitude of humility and meekness in life. Such simplicity, which he likened to that of a child, is a sure road to peace and happiness. But in our world today, you may be laughed at if you adhere to simplicity and humility as a desirable attitude. In fact, the very word “attitude” is used today with different connotations. One is considered great when one goes about with an “attitude”, that is to say, when one is hell-bent on success, is a go-getter, pushing oneself forward, even if in the bargain you have to push somebody else out of the way. When such basic words like “attitude” change their meaning, then we are sure to be in trouble.


Bernadette, to all who know her personally, was a very simple person. No airs about her. And she was sincerely happy to be simple. In my interactions with her I found that her simplicity, besides many other things, brought her a great advantage, that of being open to correction. Whenever she made a mistake, and that was pointed out to her, she would humbly accept correction, and attempted to change. Such simplicity is worth imitating, because it can put us all in very good standing with God. The more simple we are, the more  open we are to correction even by God.





  1. Blessed are those who work for peace; God will call them his children


This is the second beatitude which I think Bernadette helps us to understand. In our lives today, we are aware of the extent of violence in our country, in our city, as well as in our homes. The violence seems to be on the increase day by day. And yet, greater the violence, deeper the conviction that we all long for peace. And since peace is one of the greatest gifts of God, we need to keep our hands and our hearts wide open to receive it. But at the same time we need workers for peace, in order to enable tight-hearted fists and rebellious hearts to receive God’s gift of peace.


Bernadette’s life is a testimony to the call of this beatitude that promises blessing to those who work for peace. In her own home, Bernadette would often experience moments of conflict, like there would be in any of our homes, like I too had in mine. But through all these moments of conflict Bernadette was a great pillar as a peace maker, never afraid to get into the fray in the thick of a conflict at home to appeal for peace and reconciliation. The only daughter and sister in the family became a living testimony of the happiness experienced by a peace broker.


  1. Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully.


The third beatitude of Jesus that I think the life of Bernadette reminds us of, is the one in which Jesus promises satisfaction to those who hunger and thirst for what God wants. It is evident that we all have a variety of desires and aspirations. But this beatitude of Jesus invites us to be selective about what we truly desire, and not to yearn for the wrong things, for they can’t bring satisfaction. When we yearn for the right things, yearn for those things that God is pleased with, we are guaranteed happiness.


I had the great fortune of being by Bernadette’s bedside a couple of weeks before she died…  and while she was shared with me her strong desire to continue to live … she also revealed that the reason she so greatly desired to live was to see her brother Fr Austin’s church being built. She wanted to be present for the inauguration of the church. I couldn’t help being struck by the nobility of her heart, to make her brother’s longing her own. And in so doing she was sharing in the aspirations of the parishioners of St Joseph, Goregaon East, who are aspiring to build a church. Fr Austin and his parishioners can be happy to have a great intercessor in heaven. And the rest of us can see a testimony of how we can be happier when we yearn for benefits for others than for ourselves.



Bernadette has left us for her heavenly abode, to be in the company of her patroness, St Bernadette, and the other saints. She has definitely felt the presence of her patroness on her final journey. All of us can also rely on the saints to guide us on our journey of life, as we face profound questions about our own life and about the death that awaits us. As for the answers, we once again proclaim our faith that Jesus is the only One who has the real answers, for the questions that really matter.

                                                                 - Fr. Aniceto Pereira